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Rebecca was stopped by the police after being caught speeding on her way to work. She already had 7 points on her licence at the time.

Her speed meant that she fell into the 2nd category of the sentencing guidelines and would either be disqualified for 7-28 days or accrue between 4-6 points on her licence.

Rebecca’s job meant that any level of disqualification would mean that she couldn’t work in her current field of employment, not only during the disqualification period but ever again! As you can imagine, this would be a disastrous outcome for Rebecca, and it was of vital importance to her to have the very realistic prospect of a speeding ban avoided.

Rebecca knew that this was a serious case and would need the best legal representation for her hearing, and so called Forrest Williams.

Rebecca was able to speak with our solicitor, Steve Williams, during her initial call and was immediately put at ease with Steve’s wealth of knowledge and expertise.

Although Rebecca’s hearing wasn’t in a court local to Steve, he was willing to travel to represent her and we were able to arrange Rebecca’s hearing to accommodate Steve’s diary.

The preparation for Rebecca’s case meant we were able to put the best case forward as to why Rebecca should be offered points instead of a disqualification.

Rebecca was rewarded the most lenient outcome, 4 points, which meant she could continue driving as she hadn’t “totted up” to 12 or more points (although of course we were prepared for this outcome too!).

Rebecca was over the moon with both the outcome and the level of service she received.

If you wish to see a speeding ban avoided, or need help with any other type of criminal law matter, call our expert team now on 01623 600645. 

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  • Private Prosecution

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