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Every offence that is dealt with by the court has a sentencing guideline to help the court decide what the sentence should be. For drink driving this also includes the length of the disqualification.


These are just guidelines and the court can go higher or lower than the suggested sentence. There’s no magic secret or short cut to getting a short ban or avoiding prison. It comes from years of experience, years of representing drink drivers on a daily basis in every court in the country. It comes from making sure that the court see you as an individual and not a number.


Our clients typically have never been in trouble before and are therefore different than most people that appear before the court. We go the extra mile to make sure that the court take notice and understand what led up to you being here. You’ve made a mistake but this isn’t typical for you, it is out of character and the court need to know that, they need to know how you feel about it and why it happened.


It’s not about making excuses, it’s about giving reasons why you’ve made this mistake and why it will never happen again.


For a free initial discussion, call us on 01623 397200

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    • Private Prosecution

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