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Corporate Manslaughter Solicitors

If you are being investigated for, or charged with, corporate manslaughter, it is vital that you seek specialist legal assistance at the earliest opportunity from corporate manslaughter solicitors.  Corporate manslaughter is entirely different to manslaughter.


Corporate manslaughter
Contrary to Section (1), Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007
This offence is committed when the way in which an organisation’s activities are managed or organised causes a person’s death and amounts to a gross breach of a relevant duty of care owed by the organisation to the deceased.


Any fatality or serious injury at work is devastating, beyond the obvious effect on the families of those involved it will also have an impact on those within the company who have responsibility for keeping its staff safe.

After any death at work the police and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) will investigate the matter, and consideration will be given for a prosecution for corporate manslaughter. This investigation may involve arresting members of staff including Directors and managers and interviewing them.

While any death at work is awful and any responsible organisation will be deeply moved by this, the emotion around the loss of life should not be confused with the legal question of whether a charge of corporate manslaughter is appropriate.

The police and the HSE will look at the company to see whether their policies (or lack of them) may have contributed to the death. They will want to investigate not just the written policies but the culture of the company and how seriously it takes health and safety.


How Can Forrest Williams Help?

We understand that this is a very stressful time, as a director or manager you are not just dealing with the trauma that goes with the death of a member of your team but you are worrying about any potential investigation and or prosecution.

A company facing a conviction for corporate manslaughter faces unlimited fines, suggested to be measured in millions. Senior members of staff and directors also face prison sentences for breaches of health and safety regulations.

It is important that you get advice at the earliest stage of the process. Our corporate manslaughter solicitors can guide you throughout, from the initial indication of an investigation through interview and trial if charged. It is important that a strategy is formulated at the outset, and we will build a team of experts for your specific case. This will involve our in house team, specialist barristers, trained investigators and experts in your field of business.

With Forrest Williams on your side, you’re in control.  You can depend on us.


We know you will want to discuss this with our corporate manslaughter solicitors.  Call us on 01623 397200 for a free and honest assessment of your chances of success.

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