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Common Assault Solicitors

If you are being investigated for, or charged with, common assault it is vital that you seek specialist help from our common assault solicitors without delay.


Common Assault
Contrary to Section 39, Criminal Justice Act 1988
An offence of Common Assault is committed when a person either assaults another person or commits a battery


How Can You Defend A Common Assault Allegation?

If you are charged with, or investigated for common assault, your common assault solicitors will be able to hear your side of the story and advise whether you should plead guilty or not guilty to the allegation.

A Common Assault takes place when a person either: (1) assaults another person; or (2) commits a battery.

The difference between the two is whether or not there is actual physical force, and it surprises many people to learn that someone can be guilty of common assault without actually physically striking another person.

Our common assault solicitors can thoroughly review your case and advise whether you have been charged with the appropriate offence.

Common Assault is the least serious of the assault charges. It is charged where there are no injuries, or the injuries are not serious.


What are the sentencing powers of the courts for Common Assault?

Common Assault is a summary offence, which means it will be heard in the magistrates’ court. This also means that there is a maximum penalty of six months’ imprisonment and/or a fine.


What factors are taken into account when sentencing?

The offence is separated out into three categories of seriousness. The court will decide which of these categories the offences fits.

First of all, the degrees of harm caused to the ‘victim’, and the culpability (responsibility/blame) of the defendant are assessed.

In terms of harm, they will look at the level of injury, or fear of injury, and whether the victim is particularly vulnerable.

In relation to culpability, they will consider whether the offence was motivated by hostility to a person’s disability, sexuality, age, sex or gender. Use, or threatened use, of a weapon will make the matter more serious – this includes head butts or kicking, as well as a group activity.

The court will then look at factors that make the offence more serious, followed by those that would make it less serious.

Factors that would make the offence more serious include:-

– Previous convictions,

– location of the offence,

– timing of the offence,

– ongoing effect upon the victim,

– offence committed against those working in the public sector or providing a service to the public,

– commission of offence whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs

– abuse of power and/or position of trust

Factors that would make the offence less serious include:-

– No previous convictions or no relevant/recent convictions

– Single blow

– Remorse

– Good character and/or exemplary conduct

– Determination and/or demonstration of steps taken to address addiction or offending behaviour

– Isolated incident

– Age and/or lack of maturity where it affects the responsibility of the offender

– Lapse of time since the offence where this is not the fault of the offender

– Mental disorder or learning disability, where not linked to the commission of the offence

– Sole or primary carer for dependent relatives

What if an assault is racially or religiously aggravated?

There is different legislation in place to cover assaults of this nature.

Racially/Religiously Aggravated Common Assault is an offence under the Crime and Disorder Act 1988.

In terms of sentencing, this is an either way offence, which means sentencing can take place in the magistrates’ or crown court, depending on the seriousness of the offence.

The fact that a case can be heard in the crown court indicates the offence is taken very seriously and the sentencing powers are greater, with options for custodial sentences above 6 months in length.


What defences are there to a charge of Common Assault?

In common with all assault charges, it is a defence to show that you acted in self-defence. You would have to show that you feared an attack and that the force you used was not excessive. You do not have to wait until you are hit before defending yourself – it is enough to show that you thought you were going to be attacked.

In appropriate cases, you may be able to argue mistaken identity.

If you are charged with Common Assault, there are two defences not available for any other assault offences, namely reasonable chastisement of a child and consent. Both of these are very complex and you should seek professional advice from our common assault solicitors as soon as possible if you feel you may have a defence.


How Can Forrest Williams Help?

Forrest Williams are a experienced firm of common assault solicitors. We represent clients in all courts in England and Wales. We can see clients face to face in London, Birmingham and Nottingham. We are able to deal with most cases by phone and email so that you do not have to take time off to see us.

We are a private firm and do not offer Legal Aid.  This means we can give your case the time and attention it deserves without the government deciding how much (or little) work should be done for you.

As our client, you will enjoy a dedicated case worker focused on your case throughout as well as specialist representation at your hearings by one of our barristers and expert legal knowledge.

Instruct Forrest Williams and discover why we are renowned and award-winning for our client care.

With Forrest Williams on your side, you’re in control.  You can depend on us.


We know you will want to discuss this with our common assault solicitors.  Call us on 01623 397200 for a free and honest assessment of your chances of success.

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