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Health and Safety investigations are complex and can have far reaching effects on a company.


It is important to get legal advice as soon as possible if you are facing an investigation by the Health and Safety Executive.


If you are facing an interview you will want a solicitor by your side throughout. We will help you prepare for the interview, where appropriate we will come and visit your premises and learn about your business, so that we have a full knowledge of how you operate. We will discuss with you your health and safety policies and how they are implemented.


Our aim is to avoid you being prosecuted, we will work with you and liaise with the HSE to try and avoid the matter going to court. If this is unavoidable and we find ourselves in court we will be right by your side throughout the proceedings ensuring you get the best possible representation and support.


Call us now for a confidential no obligation chat. 01623 397200.


Get in touch or request a free callback

    • Private Prosecution

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