Racially Aggravated Assault Solicitors
If you want to speak to one of our racially aggravated assault solicitors, call us now on 01623 600645.
“Love thy Neighbour?”
We all know the theme tune to a popular Australian soap “when good neighbours become good friends” but what happens when relationships between neighbours deteriorate? When a once friendly relationship suddenly turns sour? When you find yourself accused of an offence against someone you once considered a friend?
Neighbour disputes are not nice, they are messy, emotions run high and in the sadder cases, the police become involved. In the past few weeks I have supported two very different ladies through two very different allegations but both stemmed from a disagreement with a neighbour. I’m pleased to say that in both cases neither lady was charged.
Sarah is 72, a retired teacher, a familiar face in the community having held a prominent role in the local residents associate, well respected, was accused of a Racially Aggravated Assault – namely using antisemetic abusive comments which caused distress.
Understandably she was both horrified and petrified in equal measure, disputing that any comments had ever been made to cause distress or upset. Her version of events was that she disagreed with her neighbour over a minor matter and then received a call from an officer inviting her to an Interview under Caution.
She contacted Forrest Williams for help and advice. I explained to her that she was entitled to free legal advice at the station but she wanted more than that – she wanted the support before and after her interview – something a Legal Aid Solicitor would not be able to offer.
I spoke with the Officer investigating her case, and obtained disclosure regarding the allegations, took a full statement from her regarding the allegations and agreed a mutual time for the interview as well as arranging for her to be represented at the interview.
Our racially aggravated assault solicitors were able to ensure that no further action was taken against Sarah following the interview.
Sarah was delighted.
Jenny was accused of a more physical assault – of striking her neighbour. Her story may well resonate more with some readers.
Jenny had lived in her house for nearly 20 years. A small cul-de-sac of less than a dozen homes, many of whom had purchased directly from the developer and whose children had grown up together. Her neighbour, Amy, had moved in about 12 years earlier and settled in well. Several of the neighbours regularly holidayed together and Amy and her family joined in.
Then earlier this year things changed, a dispute about the gardens and a border seemed to spiral out of control – neighbours no longer spoke and Jenny was scared to go outside – she had even taking to parking round the back so her neighbours wouldn’t see her getting home.
Then things got worse. She arrived home to find the decorative border on her front garden was covered in a silt – seemingly the residue from where her neighbour had jet washed their drive. She tried to save the plants – knowing that the silt would damage the delicate leaves. She accepts that she was upset and that she brushed the residue back onto their drive – but there was no malice intended, she was just trying to protect her beloved garden.
Later that afternoon there was a lot of shouting outside the house, she went outside to see what was wrong. The next few minutes are, she admits, a bit of a blur. She remembers her neighbour’s father-in-law pinning her up against a wall. She remembers Amy being very aggressive and pushing her away. When she went inside she rang the police to report the assault from Amy’s father-in-law.
But when the police arrived they also arrested her for assaulting Amy. It seems that Amy had bruises on her upper arms, bruises consistent with someone grabbing her arms. Except when they were examined the placing of the bruising was inconsistent with the description of how Jenny was accused to have touched her – from a face to face position with her hands up Jenny’s thumbs would have been on the inside of Amy’s arms with the fingers on the outside. The photos of the bruises showed the 4 bruises to the inner arm with the single bruise on the outer arm – suggesting that Amy had sustained the injuries from someone stood behind her.
No further action was taken by the police regarding the allegations against Jenny.
Forrest Williams know that in many cases where a friendship has failed and the relationship deteriorated to the extent of police involvement what you really want is to be able to move forward with your life. If you are being investigated for an offence against your neighbour then give Forrest Williams a call on 01623 397200 and one of our racially aggravated assault solicitors will be happy to help you.