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Here at Forrest Williams we appreciate that mental health difficulties can be the trigger that causes a person to be charged with a criminal offence, or the tool that allows a person to be taken advantage of.


We understand that anxiety, depression, panic attacks, PTSD, post-natal depression and bipolar disorder, to name just a few, can transform your personality and significantly reduce your ability to cope with life’s stressful events.


We have many clients with mental health problems and we are committed to seeing the person they are with these difficulties, while appreciating the extra needs that these difficulties can create.


We are used to our clients with mental health difficulties requiring an additional amount of reassurance and support.  We often find that the toll of managing with these symptoms reduces a person’s ability to remember information, and so we often find ourselves having similar conversations several times without the client realising.  We do this patiently, with understanding and care.


Whatever mental health difficulties you are experiencing, our team are here to support you.


If you want to talk to someone who really understands, then call us on 01623 397200.

Get in touch or request a free callback

    • Private Prosecution

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