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Meet your team

It is not easy to get a job at Forrest Williams. We are very selective about the people we employ. We understand that our clients expect the best and so do we. Our main criteria for selection is personal skills; we can teach the law but we can’t teach vital personal skills. Our team need to be able to make quick decisions, use initiative and work well under tremendous pressure. They need to care about their clients and provide extraordinary client care every single day.


We encourage our team to utilise all of their wide and varied life experience in their current roles.


We are confident that any team member who takes your call will give you their best every time.

Lucy Stern - Paralegal

Aaliyah Cadette - Paralegal

Steve Williams - Solicitor Director

Katie Forrest - Non-Solicitor Director

Helen Newman - Solicitor

Lisa Antell - Case Support Handler

Oliver Pinnick-Cook - Case Worker

Nigel Johnson - Accounts Manager

Get in touch or request a free callback

    • Private Prosecution