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We understand the effect that one of these investigations can have on your business which is why we do everything we can on your behalf to avoid a prosecution, or if that is not possible we make sure that you are supported throughout the procedure, every step of the way.


Trading Standards offences cover a wide range of different matters including –

  • Food safety and labelling
  • Weights and measures
  • Supply of age restricted products to minors
  • Advertising and sales
  • Product safety and product recall
  • Trade descriptions
  • Counterfeit goods
  • Consumer credit and contracts


There are a number of different agencies that deal with Trading Standards such as –

  • The Office of Fair Trading
  • Local Authority Trading Standards Departments
  • The Food Standards Agency


If you are facing an investigation by any of these bodies call us on 01623 397200 for free initial advice.

Get in touch or request a free callback

    • Private Prosecution

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