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Mortgage Fraud.


The term Mortgage Fraud covers a number of offences. It can include cases where the borrower is alleged to have exaggerated or lied about details on the mortgage application. This can include employment details, income details or value of the property. It also covers completely fictitious mortgages where the borrower does not exist or does not own the property.


The law is covered under the Fraud Act 2006.


How can Forrest Williams help?


We understand that being charged with mortgage fraud can be very scary. We know that for most people this is the first time they have been accused of a criminal offence. You may be a professional, a fellow solicitor or accountant caught up in this or you may be more deeply involved. Whilst we have a deep understanding of the law and experience in these matters it is also important that we understand how this is affecting you. We appreciate that you will want to discuss this matter at a time and in a method that suits you. That may be by phone, email or even text. We will make ourselves available to make sure that this is as stress free as possible. We will build a team of professionals to suit your case, this will include specialist barristers, maybe forensic accountants and property experts. Each case is different and each team will be built around you.


Is there a defence?


As with any fraud matter the prosecution will have to prove that you were dishonest. If the cannot prove that it was dishonest, as opposed for example to a mistake, then you will not be found guilty.


What if I plead guilty?


The court have sentencing guidelines that they have to follow. How they deal with you will depend on a number of factors. They will take into account your role in the offence and the amount of money or cases involved. Courts routinely send people to prison for serious matters but for less serious matters good mitigation, well presented can mean a prison sentence can be avoided.


For Free initial advice call us on 01623 397200

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