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An investigation by HMRC in relation to tax fraud is both worrying and complex.

We understand the stress that this causes and we work with you not just to get a good result but to re assure you along the way, taking away as much of the stress as possible.

Because of the complex nature of these investigations we work with a team of experts from Forensic accountants to specialist barristers to ensure you get the best possible service.


HMRC have a choice of whether to deal with these matters as criminal or civil investigations. How you handle this from the outset can mean the difference between a civil investigation or a more serious criminal investigation. It is vital that you contact us as soon as you are aware of an investigation so that we can get started on your behalf.


We understand the effect that one of these investigations can have on your business which is why we do everything we can on your behalf to avoid a prosecution, or if that is not possible we make sure that you are supported throughout the procedure, every step of the way.


For a free initial discussion, call us on 01623 397200.

Get in touch or request a free callback

    • Private Prosecution

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