We get a lot of calls from people wanting to instruct us because they aren’t happy with the service they are receiving from their current (often Legal Aid) solicitor. They wait weeks and weeks for calls that are sometimes never returned, cases are started to be prepared sometimes just days before a trial, they have questions that go unanswered, concerns that go unreassured and eventually they turn elsewhere for the support they are desperate for. We hear tales like this every single week.
At Forrest Williams we only take on private clients, we don’t deal with Legal Aid and so never get dragged into and bogged down with everything that entails; such as being told by the government what is an appropriate amount of work to do on a case or how much time a client should get being reassured and supported. We treat each of our clients the same as we would treat our own friends and family, and their cases get the highest level of attention and support available.
I have a client I have been working with for the past 7 months, he has been accused of a terrible crime and is waiting to go to trial. He is adamant that he is not guilty and I believe him completely. We are working with him to build his defence case and have lots of contact with him and his family. He has told me so many times over the past months that he feels so alone at times, that everything seems to be against him and he has lost faith in the saying “innocent until proven guilty”.
He has told me several times that he cannot thank me enough for the support I have shown him and his wife, the words of encouragement that I have given him when he has been at his lowest ebb, the times he has called me, not because he had a question, but just because he felt so alone he needed someone to discuss the case with, and that those conversations have literally been the only thing giving him the strength to face the day sometimes.
I have had clients tell me that they are so grateful for the support I have given them, and for keeping them updated every step of the way. I have answered calls and replied to client emails at 6am, 11pm, on Sundays, on holiday, in bed, whilst walking my dog and whilst in restaurants. And I know for a fact every one of my colleagues does the same. You will never wait days for a response to an email or wait days for someone to call you back. It simply doesn’t happen in our office.
We know how frightening and intimidating it can feel when you have a serious allegation over your head, whether you are pleading guilty or not guilty. We appreciate that you will ask lots of questions and need lots of reassurance. We know that you want to know the worst possible scenario even if there’s practically no chance of it applying to you, and we would rather settle your mind with a quick response via email at 11pm on a Friday night than let you worry all weekend about something needlessly.
We don’t work 24hrs a day 7 days a week, but we certainly don’t work 9-5 Monday to Friday. There aren’t many times that you wouldn’t be able to contact someone in the team to talk about your case.
Can you afford not to have that level of commitment from your legal team? You may get a cheaper service from another solicitor but that price is always reflected back in the level of service you receive.
If you want 100% dedicated service, call us on 01623 397200.