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Murder Solicitors

If you are being investigated for, or charged with, murder or manslaughter you must seek urgent help.  Our specialist murder solicitors can help on a private basis – we do not offer Legal Aid.


Contrary to common law
This offence is committed when a person who is sane unlawfully kills another person (who is born alive and breathing through their own lungs) with intent to kill or cause GBH.

How Can You Fight A Murder Allegation?

If you are charged with murder or manslaughter, you will need a specialist team to advise you on whether you should plead guilty or not guilty.  This will be done by your team of murder solicitors reviewing the evidence against you and taking your side of the story.  They will then be able to advise on the strength of any defence you may have.

As a person charged with or suspected of murder or manslaughter is likely to be remanded in custody, it usually comes down to their family or friends to find legal representation for them.  If you are making enquiries on behalf of a loved one who is facing a murder or manslaughter investigation, the first decision will be whether you or they are in a position to fund the legal case.

If not, you will need to seek Legal Aid – we do not offer this.

We are a private firm of murder solicitors who do not undertake any Legal Aid work.  We are the firm you need when your case is too important to risk Legal Aid.



What is the law on manslaughter?

Manslaughter can be committed in three ways:


  1. Voluntary manslaughter – killing with the intent for murder but with a partial defence, such as loss of control, diminished responsibility or killing pursuant to a suicide pact
  2. Involuntary manslaughter –
    1. either conduct that was grossly negligent given the risk of death, and did kill (this is gross negligence manslaughter);
    2. OR conduct taking the form of an unlawful act involving a danger that has resulted in death (this is unlawful and dangerous act manslaughter)
    3. The term homicide is an umbrella term that includes murder and manslaughter as well as infanticide and causing death by dangerous or careless driving.


What is the law on murder?

While the offence of murder requires an intent to kill or cause GBH, attempted murder requires an intent to kill specifically.  An intent to cause GBH is not sufficient for someone to be charged with attempted murder.

The complex issue of Joint Enterprise will be key where two or more people are charged.  Our murder solicitors will be able to discuss this complicated, and changing, area of law.


There are complete defences, such as self-defence or mistaken identity, and partial defences such as diminished responsibility.


How Can Forrest Williams Help?

Forrest Williams are a specialist firm of murder solicitors.

We are a private firm meaning we do not offer Legal Aid and only assist where clients know that their case is so serious they need private assistance.  We work on fixed fees wherever possible and with full fee transparency – due to the complexity of these cases, we offer fixed fees for each stage of the case and a range of barristers of differing seniority to suit your case and budget.

With Forrest Williams on your side, you’re in control.  You can depend on us.


We know you will want to discuss this with our murder solicitors.  Call us on 01623 397200 for a free and honest assessment of your chances of success.

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    • Private Prosecution