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Drunk in charge is similar to drink driving but is used in situations where there is no evidence that the person drove. Typically people will be arrested whilst sitting in their cars, either with the engine running or not. The police cannot prove that they were driving and charge Drunk in Charge.


Unlike Drink driving this does not automatically carry a disqualification. The guidelines depend on the level of alcohol. The courts are normally advised not to disqualify if the reading is below 60. This will depend upon a number of factors. If the court believe that there was a likelihood of the person driving then it will make it more serious. They can also consider disqualification even at a lower reading.


There are a number of defences to drunk in charge. The main defence is that you were not going to drive until you were below the legal limit.


This is not an easy defence to succeed with. You will have to persuade the court that you were not going to drive; you will need an experts report to show at what time you would have been under the limit.


As expert Drunk In Charge Solicitors we have a very good success rate in these sort of cases. We work closely with a team of scientific experts and are experienced in being able to put your story across in a way that the court will believe you. We understand that this is likely to be the first time you have been in trouble with the police. We also know how serious this is to you.


We will not just fight to keep your licence but we will guide and support you every step of the way. We are here for you, we only work on fixed fees. We will always give you a guaranteed fixed fee before we start acting on your behalf; no additions, no surprises just honest advice throughout.


For a free initial discussion, call us on 01623 397200.

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    • Private Prosecution