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Sexual Assault By Transferring A Sexually Transmitted Infection




A sexually transmitted infection is defined as:

an infection that can be transferred from one person to another through sexual contact

Sexually transmitted infections are most often spread by oral, vaginal or anal contact; however, they can also be contracted after skin to skin contact.

So, what if you consented to sexual contact with someone, but did not know this person had a sexually transmitted infection until after the sexual contact took place?

If a person (A) is unaware of another’s (B) sexually transmitted infection, then A is incapable of giving valid consent to any sexual contact. B has therefore committed Sexual Assault.

A person guilty of Sexual Assault is liable to a maximum sentence of 10 years’ imprisonment.

Donna contacted us after separating with her boyfriend. They had been together for 2 years before her boyfriend disclosed that he had Hepatitis B and Genital Herpes. Donna was understandably concerned and made an appointment with a medical clinic which unfortunately the result showed she had also been affected.

Donna reported what had happened to the police, who advised that they did not have the resources available to investigate Donna’s case.

Donna looked online and saw that Forrest Williams specialised in private prosecution. We were able to discuss the circumstances of Donna’s case as part of our free initial advice and she was so impressed by our knowledge and professionalism that she then decided to instruct us to look into taking out a private prosecution against her ex-boyfriend for Sexual Assault. Her case continues.

If you have received a sexually transmitted infection that you believe your partner was aware of having, and would like to discuss the possibility of taking legal action against them, please call our specialist team on 01623 397200.

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01623 397 200
  • Private Prosecution