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The criminal law is not a game to be played in the hope of a lucky outcome, a game to
be played as long and in as involved a fashion as the paying client is able or prepared to
afford. – Lord Justice Irwin

As a criminal defence firm, we are well aware that our marketplace is stained with some individuals and firms who adopt an ethos that is more about game playing and profit boosting than it is about securing justice.


We were delighted to see, in the recent ruling of Hassani, this conduct being recognised and rightly criticised.


It is a strangle calling to work in criminal defence.  We cannot offer clients a guarantee that their cases will be successful.  All we can say, and mean, is that we will do the very best we can to present the strongest case if a genuine defence exists.


Our clients know that if we advise them to plead not guilty, it is because they have a valid defence, not because a not guilty case allows us to charge higher fees.


We do not advise client’s to treat their case as a ‘game to be played in the hope of a lucky outcome’.  While respecting every defendant’s right to review the evidence against them before deciding on plea, we believe that there is an appropriate stage where we, as the professionals, have a duty to our clients, the Court, and our own reputation, to honestly advice clients that they have exhausted all options and should plead guilty.


While we understand the temptation of a desperate person to consider any means possible to avoid a conviction, it pains us to see professionals behaving in a way that raises hopes of being found not guilty, while causing a client’s legal fees to continue to rise.


If you are looking for a legal team who value honesty and integrity, give us a call on 01623 397200.

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You're in safe hands

Let us take the lead from here

01623 397 200
  • Private Prosecution